Why must I feel guilty about living a better quality life than someone else?
Before that, let me talk a little about our family and our family's financial situation.
My dad works at Hyundai. In Korea, Hyundai is something similar to a Samsung or Google equivalent. A good workplace, to say. He is an expatriate, meaning that we travel overseas a lot (usually 4 years overseas with 2 years in between, living in Korea) and meaning that we have benefits, such as the company paying a proportion of our tuition fees / rent / having higher wage. However, in Korea, tuition is free / the higher wage overseas covers for the higher prices they have; considering this, when living overseas, rent is the only thing that gives us a more tangible benefit.
However, living overseas is a cause of jealousy, among many people. My Korean friends, family members, etc, etc. They all think I'm rich as fuck, living the overseas life when I try to buy this less, that less. I've never bought any clothes for the past two years; I still use an iphone 4s, with a mid-2012 macbook pro. Accessories? Nothing. Even my schoolbag is at least 3 years old. I never really buy any games except undertale, which i bought and really, I rarely spend money on anything. Doesn't help the fact that our family still is short on fund and that my university tuitions are expensive as fuck. The past three years of not spending money on anything and it all goes out on tuition, and I'll still have to literally starve to get through uni, at least until I get a job. And everyone around me will still be jealous of my life. And there will be me, still starving as fuck, while others mock me on how rich I am.
Why do I have to feel guilty from others' jealousy? Every time they say something like, "You're so lucky" or "I'm so jealous". Why do I have to be guilty of what I have? Why does our family still have to struggle to save so much when the only feedback we get are jealousy? At least make us rich and say something like "You're so lucky". Our family is just another ordinary. It's just that I was lucky enough to be able to attend uni at a foreign place, and I'll still have to save a lot in order to afford it. But all that suffering that our family will take, including myself, will be covered with the notion that our family is rich, and I'll still have to endure others' jealous glances.
Words like "cancer" "9/11" "retard", the most frequently used memes and insult words on the internet.
Personally I don't support the usage of these words but it's true it's difficult to communicate in meme communities if you are offended by these memes, and I agree being offended by such would come as a party pooper. A big one indeed, along with a troll title.
I would never use these memes in real life though. I've had experience with cancer in our family and I think many people have as well, it's just a neverending fight and it really wears everyone out, both emotionally and physically. The fact that the person in front of you can pass out anytime, after all those years of suffering? pfff.
That being said. cancer in Korea. I'm reading shit online, and it says exactly the path our family is taking. Chemotherapy, radiation, "cured", relapse. Due to the familism nature of Korea, probably passed down due to Buddhism, women in the family can't function and have to care for the patient. Even when the chemo are too strong for the patient, due to the secret connections between the medication companies and hospitals, they keep recommending the therapy. Doctors have too much patients on hand so they can't care for patients until families bribe them, and well, there's nothing more to explain.
" 죽음은 삶의 완성이다. 의연하고 깨끗한 죽음은 모든 인간의 소망이기도 하다. 말기암 환자들의 현실은 대부분 그렇지 못하다. 통증에 시달리는 동안 몸에는 하나 둘 ‘구멍’이 뚫리고 수많은 부속품들이 주렁주렁 달린다. 소변 줄, 영양공급을 위한 관, 링거 주사…. 스스로 호흡을 못할 지경에 이르면 산소호흡기가 끼워지거나 심한 경우 기도를 절개하기도 한다. 고통에 몸부림치다 제대로 된 유언 한마디 없이 가족이 아닌 낯선 의료인들에 둘러싸여 생을 마감해야 한다. "
Death is the completion of life. A clean and resolute death is the dream of all human. However, this is not the reality of patients with terminal cancer. While they are troubled with pain, they gain more "holes" and other "accessories" on their body. Foley catheter, food catheter, IV shots... If they can't breathe on their own they get a respirator or in severe cases even cut their throat to insert the catheter. After the suffering, without even a proper will, they pass away among unfamiliar medical staff instead of their family.
This is just the reality of what cancer patients go through. Feels like they're only treating the patients as objects. They really don't care about the pain and medication imo.
Retard is another word that I rarely use. I won't say I don't use it at all- recently I've been using it more frequently and I'm reflecting on myself. My best friend hates the word, and so I stopped using it too. Calling someone a retard, yes, I know, sometimes that seems to be the only option. But really, people need to also think about those who are in need and are suffering. Same goes for autistic. All these symptoms affect those close to us, but why go ahead and insult them by degrading the value of the word? This thought sometimes hits me and I just had to write it somewhere.
Other things. Feminism. This is a shit subject I hate to start with, but fuck it. This word has so much negativity it's just a joke at this point. Feminism is the act of working to achieve gender equality. What's wrong with that? Yes, there are cases when it's extreme, but please don't ignore the fact that this is actually a grave issue and it fucking exists. Memes seem to be ignoring this fact which kinda pisses me off. Also, there is no things such as "reverse discrimination", please don't shit yourselves into those types of victim mentalities, it's just proving that you're a loser... Alright, men may be discriminated at some point. But, men has already enjoyed many privileges in life, and that little shit ain't going to ruin your life, ain't it. Stop being a pussy a loser and step your game up.
Say, you're rejected a job because a woman was chosen instead. That's not the result of discrimination. The woman was the person the company was looking for instead of what you could offer. So, fucking try harder, increase your worthiness instead of blaming it on gender. To those thinking this is an extreme example. It's probably one of the most widespread loser mentality one could have.
Islam. Trust me, I've lived in Arab countries for 8 years. Peeps are nice and kind. Yes, I understand, there are extremists, but extremists ≠ muslims. Please stop being ignorant. People really look naïve once they start to mix up muslims with extremists.... It's just sad. I feel bad for their lack of intelligence. Those that really hate muslims, okay okay lol. Sure.
Islam and the IS (ISIL) - 2015.11.16
When I read Facebook and other articles online I see a lot of "tsk, muslims" on the comments, and this is pissing the heck out of me. What disgusting losers, they deserve to be wiped by the government.
I will try to refute this "logic" that really doesn't count as "logic" for all. First of all, the Syrian refugees are those that actually have fled from IS, and secondly IS is not equal to Islam. IS is not ISLAM. It's a pseudo, a bad replica.
At least the people who are writing these kinds of comments should base it off some general knowledge or at least try to. Just reading others' comments and writing "take the muslims out" or "I'm disappointed at how bad these refugees are"... Since when did you start worrying about Korean security or other citizens? Please keep good care of your parents at least, thank you.
Refugees, a few years ago, were the same as we were. They were ordinary citizens and they've lost their homes due to IS and are now looked down upon, rejected, and with contempt even while they are fleeing because people think there might be IS members among them, and you peeps can't even understand their situation and write these crappy comments. Because that puts you in a better position, of course. Right? And if all muslims are terrorists the world would've ended a long time ago. There are 1.6 billion muslims in the world, and if they were all terrorists, we wouldn't be alive.
Please, read more about Islam and IS before talking, alright?
I'm not sure if it's the fact that people aren't familiar with Islam in Korea, but as someone living in an Arab country, this seriously pisses me off. After all this writing, there still would be people saying "but.. they're a bane to society!"
Please remove your existence which is the bane to society, thank you.
Discrimination. I've once read that "there is no one that cannot discriminate at all. You either discriminate less or discriminate more; it's just the difference in the extremity." And I think that's true. There can't be no discrimination, but you can choose to discriminate less. I assure you, it makes life easier.
Someone's thread in OT pushed me back into the Imagine Dragons roll. Now I'm just listening to their songs nonstop, weeb days are gone. lmao rip.
Lemme talk a little about Imagine Dragons and their significance on my life.
Many people around me found ID while playing League of Legends around 2014. I know this because I have a number of friends from that game that know the band.. But I believe I've listened to their songs long before that.
My first memory of ID's song is listening it from a radio. It wasn't once; they were several times. I'm pretty sure it was Demons, because I remember googling the lyrics "this is my kingdom, come". That was my first experience with their song. I also think I've thought their band name was pretty cool.
Then I heard On Top of the World. Seriously, I have no idea where I heard this song. I don't think it's from the radio, so it's most likely from YouTube or something like that. Who knows. I was following their twitter, especially after their collab with Riot Games. I've heard that they were releasing a new album. (This was also the time where I Bet My Life was building hype.) Cover art looked cool, the songs not really attractive except I Bet My Life.
I was wrong, because soon enough I got to hear the whole album. That usual first-time-don't-like syndrome, known exclusively to ID fans. This was around 2015, I suppose.
That was enough of my memory-digging, wow. Almost digressed from the topic.
2015. During the whole summer of 2015 I had to study for SATs at Korea (I'd returned for the summer). Korea sounds awesome. Great food, great people, convenient tech. Familiar places, transportations are easy to access, I've got freedom. That's all enjoyable and stuff, until you realize you're korean so you'll have to attend academies during your two months of vacation.
So my daily routine was:
8:00: leave home to ride a subway
8:30: arrive at academy
8:30~13:00: listen to classes
~13:30: eat lunch
~18:00: study until 6PM,
~19:00: arrive home, eat dinner.
Daily. Fucking terrible, I'm not used to this stuff. Imagine Dragons really helped me through this period, and I listened to their songs every single minute I was on the subway, bus, or studying. I listened to their songs for a month and could memorize the whole two albums just before their concert. By the way, their concert was a fantastic experience too.
So, 2016. This was a tough year, As a junior, we had started our IB program. "The International Baccalaureate (IB) is your child's passport to a well-rounded and outstanding global education." This really had me dead. I've gotten depression just alone from this program, although as it's been less depressing since I've finished my courses and my sufferings are almost gone.
During summer vacation of 2016, I had to visit Korea again. (Again, fucking terrible) This time my daily routine was similar but I just attended two academies instead of one. I'd come back home around 10PM. This was another round with ID songs. Just the two albums, over and over again.
ID's songs are really quite deep, and they really know how to compose those "shit". Their songs rather follow a generic pattern, beat and rhythm but I really focus more on the lyrics and the lyrics are truly what makes their song special, along with the artistic covers and unusual melody. I'm listening to Shots right now. All their songs are so special.
Somehow Shots reminds me of the day I visited Moscow(or St.Petersburg, I don't remember)'s Hard Rock Cafe just to ask them for ID's huge placard lmao. Unfortunately they didn't have any ID merch, so I asked for the placard that was hanging on the wall. It was a joke but the woman probably thought 'what is wrong with this kid' and she was like, nope. Not allowed. ;D
Exams are literally around the edge, more like in my face now but you see, important things make procrastination shine. So here's my procrastination for the day. o/