
Frozen food 2018-2019


Juice boxes - $0.50

Love juices. Have nothing else to say. Easy to drink when stressed, gives a good sugar boost, is very tasty. Only downside is you have to buy two of them in order to pay debit.

Pop - $0.50

The regular pop. Sometimes have Pepsi (my love!) and sometimes Diet Coke (due to requests).

Exam season is fueled with Yerba Mate and Red Bull which costs a bit more ($1.75).


Haagen dazs - $2.00

Good ice cream. Everyone knows it's good. Current VPI stocks around 6-8 boxes of these, but they run out by the end of the week. Some cube-ians seem like they use this as their meal. (Do not try at home.) A hard yet soft shell with hazelnuts embedded on them, DO NOT DROP these on the carpet floor, think of a smarter way to eat it. Methods include nibbling the shell THEN the ice cream, or eating the ice cream inside of its packaging. My method is to put the whole ice cream in my mouth as soon as possible.

Yogurt - $0.50

Good stuff when they're there. Even better when close to expiring so the Cube lets them out on $0.25. Great served cold, will give you a fruit boost if you hadn't had them for a long time.

Cookies - $0.50

Just normal Costco cookies. Good sugar boost. A little bit on the chewy side.

Chips - $0.50

A variety of chips.

Chocolate bars - $1.25

A little bit on the expensive side. However a great sugar boost. I don't pick these up usually because I'm good with the sugar I get from juice. Chocolate bars are too sweet for me.

Seasonal: Cheese sticks, Deep-fried peas

Fridge Food

NOTE: Please use a paper plate when microwaving these, not styrofoam.

Steak and cheese pockets - $1.00

2 minutes in microwave + leave for 2 minutes

Sounds boujier than the usual pizza pops. Fellow cube-ian rated 3.5/10 where he rated the pizza pops 3/10. I personally rate it 2.5/10. Worse than pizza pops. Cheese feels more quality, but couldn't find steak anywhere. Leaves a disgusting cheese smell in the Cube.

Pizza pops - $1.00

2 minutes on each side

Usually bacon+ham+cheese flavor. 2 in a pack. Will not make you full, that's for sure. Really hot when you take it out of the microwave and leaves a somewhat more bearable smell in the Cube. Usually people appreciate that it smells like pizza pops because it makes them wanna buy one too. Not that good of a smell in my personal opinion. But I enjoy eating it sometimes. Fair amount of ham and cheese in there.

Fried rice - $2.25

3 minutes inside the plastic packaging (I recommend using two paper plates - one for the plate and other as the lid)

Chicken, soy sauce, vegetables. Can't be bad. If you hate peas, corn, or bell peppers, this might be a bad choice for you. I personally really like them, they won't make you full but it's a pleasant quality food than the other frozen ones. It is a bit on the pricey side though.

Lasagna - $3.00

5 minutes with the packaging - tear the corner open before microwaving

#1 most expensive food at the Cube. Decent amount, won't make you full though. I personally feel that the rice makes me more full. Is very hot out of the microwave. A little bit on the greasy side. Eat with knife and fork - ration the lasagna into bits and pieces and scoop with fork. (Beware, HOT)


Udon - $1.25


Kimchi noodles - $1.25

Not bad. Doesn't taste anything like kimchi though. It's a good spice out of the ordinary food. There's no chopsticks at the Cube, so it's quite an experience having to use a fork to eat ramen. There's also no rice so as a Korean you feel like you're missing out on the "rice with broth" experience which I dearly miss.


'BLOG' 카테고리의 다른 글

A VERY NEEDED UPDATE  (0) 2019.02.06
How to survive sponsorship  (0) 2018.12.04
Why I rant  (0) 2017.09.08


- 케찹

- 밥 (햇반)
- 양파

- 당근 (또는 파프리카)

- 베이컨 (또는 햄)

- 감자

- 표고버섯

- 버터

- 계란 2알


계란지단을 해서 (약/중불에 오랜 시간동안 해야 뒤집기 쉽다) 그릇에 펼쳐놓는다.

계란을 간하는 편이 더 맛있다.

당근과 양파와 감자를 버터를 넣은 후 중불에 볶는다

어느 정도 익었으면 베이컨과 표고버섯을 넣는다

재료들이 다 익어갈때쯤 케찹을 넣는다

햇반을 전자렌지에 돌린다

재료들이 다 익었으면 햇반을 넣는다

케찹이 더 필요하면 더 넣고, 아니면 밥을 풀어주는데에 집중한다

펼쳐놓은 그릇에 밥을 채워 넣고

다른 그릇을 위에 얹은 뒤 뒤집는다


'KOREAN > 레시피' 카테고리의 다른 글

카레 볶음 우동  (0) 2018.06.18
[냠냠]컴퓨터앞에 앉아있을때 먹기좋은 간식  (0) 2013.04.01


- 우동사리

- 버터

- 양파

- 감자

- 당근

- 닭고기


닭고기는 미리 씻어놓고 (비린내 빼려면 우유에 담가놓는것이 좋다고 한다) 깍뚝썰기 해서 소금후추 간해놓고

팬에 버터와 양파, 감자, 당근을 넣고 중불에 볶는다 (다 익을 때까지)

닭고기도 같이 넣는다

어느 정도 익었으면 물 한컵과 고형카레 한큐브를 넣는다

카레가 어느 정도 풀리면 면도 넣는다

불이 너무 쎄다 싶으면 조절하자

조금 보글보글하면 불을 꺼도 되고 진득한 볶음면을 원한다면 좀 오래 볶아도 좋다

맛있음! ^^


'KOREAN > 레시피' 카테고리의 다른 글

오므라이스  (0) 2018.06.18
[냠냠]컴퓨터앞에 앉아있을때 먹기좋은 간식  (0) 2013.04.01

Some good things:

Got back from 3 jobs after 7 applications

Got to be exec for two clubs that I am really excited for :)

Got a job offer after an interview! Hell I thought I was bad at interviews but I prepped a little bit for this one, as in thinking about some common questions and answers in advance but a hard question was "what do you think about punctuality" because I didn't know what punctuality meant so I had to ask. Fuck my vocab skills, I suck at this (but I answered goodly)

Boyfriend is super cute. Never fail to make me happy all the time :D

Some bad things:

Didn't get the job I was pretty hyped up for

My uhh current part time job supervisor hasnt been contacting me for a week

Stress from exam?!??! I dont like calculus. :(

Tomorrow's my birthday and I literally feel 0 connection to my birth like what's special about my birthday? I dont know

Worried I might be homeless this May

Some things to myself:

I need time off, a week to do absolutely nothing and to not feel guilty about it and not pressurized, I just need that time off like PLEASE let me LIVE GUILTLESS

I have to do laundry, clean my room

Three alcoholic parties scheduled one after another after the 25th, I'm ready to die. :)

My plan is to not drink much on each.


'BLOG > DIARY' 카테고리의 다른 글

Why you should write documentation  (0) 2019.02.17
Reminder not to click on shady urls.  (0) 2019.02.10
20171215 Today's rant  (0) 2017.12.16
20171127 Today's rant  (0) 2017.11.27
20171111 Today's rant  (0) 2017.11.12

for the past two and a half years i've been telling myself

"after this week, life's gonna be better"

but it's been an endless cycle, nothing's gotten better.

mental health's been deteoriating.

i need some time to heal up. a reset, some time to reflect on myself.


'KOREAN > 뻘글' 카테고리의 다른 글

20190828 오늘의 근황  (0) 2019.08.29
20190724 오늘의 뻘글  (0) 2019.07.25
osu! and walls  (0) 2018.02.05
Volunteering 2017-2018  (0) 2018.01.31
111日  (0) 2018.01.18

Surprisingly, I've gotten a few PMs asking me about my improvement and style. I don't consider myself a good enough player for any of these questions just yet; there are many people with faster improvement rates than mine, and I'm still a mere 36k in rank. The only thing I consider to be my strength for this game is my perseverance, and that's what I'm going to talk about in this thread. 

To start off, people have told me I have more than average improvement rates so this might be really biased, but this thread's about my own experience. 

I've had around three mini-walls byfar. The first two, I was able to overcome by changing my settings. The first wall from 3-4*, I changed my skin. The second wall from 4-5*, I changed my input device (trackpad -> tablet). The third wasn't a problem with the environment. It was actually a problem with my skill. I was lacking in a lot of places. I had bad aim, I had no stamina, and I couldn't read. My pp wasn't improving at all despite three months of consistant play and a 100 hours in the same star range. That's a lot considering I've only played this game for a year.

It's frustrating, and I doubt I'm still out of the wall. During the three months, the more frustrating fact was that I could see myself improving and losing bad habits, but still couldn't gain pp. I had too many shitmisses and just wasn't consistent enough while I could still see that I was good enough to FC a map with decent acc. I also believe some people get stuck due to this reason; they just shitmiss one darn circle and don't get the pp for it.

While caught at a wall, I learned how to alternate. I learned to read cross-screen jumps, do kicksliders, and stream 200BPM consistently. I got my first UR under 100. Still not perfect, but a lot better than before. Still not consistent enough to FC maps, but decent enough to get 97+% acc on maps around 5.5-6* level. 

I took 2 week breaks inbetween, and played tech maps and stuff to improve my reading. I continued to enjoy the game even though it was super frustrating that I was stuck. Honestly osu is fun if you don't think about pp. Then you just remember you're stuck and you're frustrated again...


A few days ago I finally made some scores that made it to my top 10. Not suuper good scores, but decent plays. my previous plays were around 170pp and I couldn't get something over those, but I've made a few more 180-190pp scores. This is the farming phase, while I'm still frustrated I shitmiss, I play a lot more maps that are around 1.5 minutes and try to gain as much pp possible from the range of 170-190. 

So, don't be pressurized to improve. If you play a lot, you're bound to improve. Unless you're at your peak ability. Improvement rates slow down from there, and that's the point where I believe I will quit the game for good. So until then, please enjoy game and have fun.


'KOREAN > 뻘글' 카테고리의 다른 글

20190724 오늘의 뻘글  (0) 2019.07.25
burnt out  (0) 2018.03.28
Volunteering 2017-2018  (0) 2018.01.31
111日  (0) 2018.01.18
2017 티스토리 결산.  (0) 2018.01.09

I really don't enjoy plays going into the theatre (I usually think they're a waste of time) but I enjoy them after all. Was the same for the musical RENT. They have great stories. I'm just not a big fan of them, but they're great. It was a good experience, a little childish story but I guess that was intentional. She Kills Monsters was a good breather, and I still suck at DND and RPing but I like watching these kinds of things.



Sep 23rd: Girls Learning Code Photo-Editing with Pixlr


Jan 13-14: nwHacks 2018

Jan 20, Feb 3: UBC GIRLsmarts4tech Hardware Workshop

Jan 25: UBC TCF Volunteer

[PENDING] Aug 12-16: SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer 2018

Job experience:
Aug-Dec 2017: Place Vanier dining hall

[PENDING] Aug 2018: Jump Start Orientation Leader


'KOREAN > 뻘글' 카테고리의 다른 글

burnt out  (0) 2018.03.28
osu! and walls  (0) 2018.02.05
111日  (0) 2018.01.18
2017 티스토리 결산.  (0) 2018.01.09
Opportunity cost  (0) 2018.01.05

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